I'm a third year PhD student at Georgia Tech advised by Judy Hoffman! I also did my undergrad and masters at Georgia Tech (2018-2022). Along the way I've worked with Dhruv Batra, Sehoon Ha and Jacob Abernethy.
My research focuses on computer vision and robotics. I aim to develop skillful robots that adapt to ever changing environments. I develop algorithms for generalization and adaptation which leverage scalable data sources, from both simulation and reality.
Email: skareer[at]gatech[dot]edu
[Jan 2024] We're Not Using Videos Effectively was accepted to TMLR!
[Jan 2023] ViNL was accepted to ICRA and won a best paper award at the CoRL Agile Robotics Workshop! It also received media coverage from Georgia Tech, Tech Explorer and Inceptive Mind!
Simar Kareer, Vivek Vijaykumar, Harsh Maheshwari, Prithvi Chattopadhyay, Judy Hoffman, Viraj Prabhu
Simar Kareer, Naoki Yokoyama, Dhruv Batra, Sehoon Ha, Joanne Truong